North Island Battlefield Outdoor Laser Tag




North Island Battlefield Outdoor Laser Tag

North Island Battlefield offers a variety of safe combat games for all ages and abilities. Laser Tag is a non-contact combat game, similar to air soft or paintball, but without the bruises and mess as there are no projectiles. Our taggers shoot up to 500 feet, and are more accurate as they are not affected by the wind. There is no minimum age limit, you just have to be big enough to carry the weapon. Combat Archery or Soft Archery is like dodge ball but with a low power bow firing a sponge tipped arrow. The equipment comes in 2 sizes, up to 12 years, and 13 and older. The equipment is also ideal for safe target shooting. We also offer Mobile Mini Golf and a selection of combat game accessories. North Island Battlefield is fully mobile, so we can come to you anywhere on Vancouver Island, and our equipment works equally well indoors or out.