1125 Rue Bélanger #1, Montreal, Quebec H2S 1H6



1125 Rue Bélanger #1, Montreal, Quebec H2S 1H6


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Professional Tattoo Artist (of the Old-School) by heart since 1992. Lucky enough to also enjoy doing Body Piercing since 1995. Certified by A.P.T.(the Alliance of Professional Tattooists), who also certified the Prevention of Disease Transmission in Tattooing seminar. Taking pride to work in a clean and safe environment is also one of the most important parts of being a responsible Professional in Tattooing. Tattooing is not just my career, this is my life, my passion, everything around me is linked to Tattoos and Piercings somehow, lol, it is a gift to be able to go have fun everyday and say, ok I gotta go to work. Very important in this career to keep trying new things and keep enjoying what you do as if it was just the beginning, you always have to keep trying to better yourself to keep achieving higher standards. Also Acrylic Paintings on Canvas available for sale, mainly by special order soon available, to have a better idea of my career orientation, not only i can proudly say I had the satisfaction to teach a few apprentices in Tattooing and body piercing, I can also say: Being an artist, to me and most of us, who are lucky enough to have fun and joy for a living, is not just a career, it becomes a way of life, to be good at what you do takes lots of work and sacrifice, to be great at this, Tattoos have to become part of you and your lifestyle, soon you realize that if you are not chilling at home while you are drawing or painting it’s because you are busy Tattooing at the shop or explaining a client how great the piece he wants can be as you show pictures on your iPad, maybe not, you might just be by metro looking at the pictures or videos you took the day or week before, depending how busy you may have been, or just flipping-through the pages of your favourite Tattoo magazine. Some of us were just lucky enough to have some time off and decided to visit an old apprentice, who is now an old friend and together keep that GREAT VIBE that the Tattoo-world has become with more and more stories like this, art pieces, pictures, and fantastic moments that become once again part of the great Tattoo-Vibe. Just look around, the world has changed, Tattoos are everywhere, you see them on TV, Commercials, movies, the Asher at the theatre, etc, etc, etc, We are living a new era and I love it. Anyways, i could keep going on and on with simple examples of how Tattooing becomes our life style, and basically most of the things we do, relate somehow to our Art, sorry for the extensive writing, I just wanted to explain somehow how serious we take our business, because it is not only that, it is our life style. Just to let you feel a bit more confident that when you come to see me for a piece of art, you will be taken care of properly and with the upmost dedication to even the smallest piece. I am also a Body Piercer, enjoying and having fun with this since 1994, no need to keep writing more about this, my pictures of my Artwork, Paintings,Tattoo Artwork, and videos will finish telling my story, I hope you can come see me and be part of this Great Vibe, here, we are all about that, creating an environment where you will feel comfortable , safe and secure where you will have no doubts because We are here to answer any questions or doubts you might have, no matter how simple or complicated the answer might be, We are here to take care of you in the best way we can, so feel free to call me, or reach me through here, text, email, facebook, instagram or by stopping by to visit Tattoojulio. All information will follow, thank you for your time if you read all this.